Shortbread Treat

January 13, 2021

Shortbread Treat

What better way to spend a cold winter’s day than tucking into some Stag Stornoway Shortbread! You be spoilt for choice as we make two irresistible flavours, traditional buttery shortbread and a more modern caramel shortbread with delicious caramel chunks folded into the buttery mix before baking.

The wonderful texture of our shortbread melts in the mouth and goes especially well with a cup of tea or even a cold glass of milk.

Some fun shortbread facts!

  • Shortbread’s history goes back to at least the 12th century and originally started as biscuit bread.
  • Shortbread was originally made in Scotland, with the first printed recipe, in 1736, from a Scotswoman named Mrs McLintock.
  • In previous years at a traditional Scottish wedding, the groom would break a shortbread biscuit over the bride’s head before she enters their new home. If the shortbread crumbled, it was a sign of a long and healthy marriage.
  • Shortbread was defended by early Scottish bakers who fought to prevent it from being classified as a biscuit to avoid paying a government tax on the product.
  • Traditional shortbread comes in either rounds, fingers or “petticoat tails” – delicate triangles cut from a larger circle, made to resemble the petticoats which ladies of early modern Britain like Mary Queen of Scots would have worn.